在线小 & 证书项目

动物辅助健康 & 教育



动物辅助健康 & 教育专家 (minor 和/or certificate) program at 欧宝体育app入口 you can learn to facilitate safe interactions between humans 和 animals to achieve desired outcomes in a wide variety of environments 和 with various populations.


SFU students learning about animal-assisted interventions in a hospital setting

动物辅助健康 & 教育专家

Partner with animals in the mission to improve human health 和 performance.

  • 探索治疗性、教育性和互动性 动物在不同行业的整合.
  • 学习如何 设计和提供安全的动物辅助互动 在不同的环境中
  • 完成程序 2年内上线.
  • 做好准备 certification exam offered by the Association of Animal-Assisted Intervention Professionals.
  • 加强你在 刑事司法、教育、医疗、心理学、社会工作、 还有很多其他领域.
  • 成为动物关怀、道德和福利的倡导者.

提供了在线: 6门课程,18学分(辅修课程包括动手操作部分)




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Animal-assisted interventions is a broad term used to describe working  with various species of specifically trained animals in diverse manners beneficial to humans 和 animals.  


治疗师, 医疗专业人员, 和 educators can design animal-assisted intervention programs for use in: 

  • 教育课堂 

  • 咨询中心 

  • 刑事司法制度 

  • 治疗及康复诊所 

  • 医院 

  • 临终关怀设施 

  • 养老院 

  • 私人诊所  

无论你对与孩子们一起工作的兴趣在哪里, 成年人或老年人口, 你可以找到一条将动物融入你的职业生涯的道路. 欧宝体育app入口专注于动物辅助健康 & 教育 courses  will help you identify your niche within this amazingly diverse practice.


课程 & 课程

你将在动物辅助健康中学到什么 & 教育专家(aahs)计划

Animal-assisted intervention describes the inclusion of various species of animals in therapy, 教育, 以及对人类感觉运动有益的活动, 认知, 交际, 情感, 动机, 以及行为功能. Desired goals can be met through human-animal interactions that incorporate specially-selected 和 purposefully trained animals.   


Minors who successfully complete the program will automatically earn the certificate in “动物辅助健康 & 教育专家” (“AAHES”) The minor includes online modules as well as a single residency-based, 实践部分:动物行为研讨会.


小:  当然目录-23/24


已经在自己选择的领域工作的专业人士, 或者那些想转行的人, 可以修读“动物辅助健康? & 教育专家” (“AAHES”) completely online as a st和-alone certificate program.


在线证书: 当然目录-23/24 | 学习计划

  • 项目快照
  • 学习目标
  • 预计完成时间: 

    This is an online 18-credit certificate program that can take 2 years for completion. 


    • PSYC 101 -心理学入门

    • AAHE 201 -动物辅助健康入门 & 教育 

    • AAHE 301 -动物辅助健康和教育中的动物伙伴 

    • AAHE 302 -动物辅助健康和教育中的人类伙伴 

    • AAHE 401 -动物辅助健康的最佳实践 & 教育 

    • 动物辅助健康的科学评估 & 教育+顶点 


  • 在顺利完成课程后, students will be able to apply their acquired knowledge to the design 和 delivery of safe 和 productive animal-assisted interactions 在不同的环境中 (e.g., 教育课堂, 诊所, 医院或收容所, 咨询中心, 养老院, 刑事司法制度, 私人诊所)和不同的人群(如.g., 孩子们, 青年, 老年人), aiming to achieve desired outcomes 和 act as ambassadors of animal care 和 welfare. 
    • 了解一般动物辅助干预 

    • 了解动物的基本行为 

    • Application of basic animal training using positive reinforcement methods 

    • Knowledge 和 application of risk reduction in animal-assisted interventions 

    • Application of intentional practice through session planning in animal-assisted interventions 

    • 评估方法的知识和应用, 以有意义的方式解释和使用动物的反应 

    • 科学探究,社会责任和沟通能力 

    • 社会文化和国际意识 

    • 个人发展、职业规划和教育发展 


faculty in 欧宝体育app入口's Animal Assisted 健康 和 教育专家 program

Dr. Shlomit Flaisher-Grinberg(项目主管)

Dr. Shlomit Flaisher-Grinberg is an Associate Professor of Psychology 和 the coordinator for the 动物辅助健康 & 教育项目协调员. 她教的课程有 学习,动物的心灵, 犬类的学习和行为. 作为一名研究者, 她关注的是人与动物之间的纽带, 收容所——动物的康复和福利, 以及动物的学习和行为. Her research has been published in sources such as the "Journal of Animal Applied Welfare Science" 和 "Career Paths in Animal-Assisted Interactions." Dr. Flaisher-Grinberg is committed to instructional practices that allow students to train shelter dogs 和 shelter kittens in the classroom 和 on campus.

Dr. 吉娜·费希尔·考德威尔

Dr. 吉娜·费希尔·考德威尔 is a professional canine behaviorist focusing on obedience, 社会化, 还有治疗犬课程. 她的训练理念是使用基于关系的方法来建立联系, 沟通, 和你的狗建立一种强烈的承诺. She is an American Kennel Club 和 Pet Partners therapy animal teams evaluator 和 has been a registered therapy dog h和ler with Pet Partners since 2014. Dr. Caldwell also serves as a subject matter expert on the Pet Partners Human-Animal Bond Advisory Board. She played a key role in formalizing the creation of the Association of Animal-Assisted Intervention Professionals. 作为乔治亚水族馆的副馆长, 她与高层领导合作开发, 研究所, 领导和促进最高的动物标准和福利目标. She has over 25 years of experience in the behavioral science 和 zoological field, 与不同的物种一起工作,同时专门照顾水獭. Dr. Caldwell teaches as an adjunct professor of psychology 和 animal behavior at several colleges.

Dr. 琼Kirnan

Dr. 琼Kirnan是新泽西学院的心理学教授, 她在那里教了35年的书. She completed her doctoral degree in Psychometrics at Fordham University in New York 和 brings a focus of measurement 和 assessment to her teaching, 咨询, 和研究. While her early career focused on Industrial/Organizational (I/O) applications of measurement, her interests have exp和ed to program evaluation with community partners 和研究 on the practices 和 outcomes of Animal-Assisted Initiatives. Kirnan has presented at conferences 和 published articles 和 book chapters on 情感 support animals 和 dog-assisted literacy programs. Her current research focuses on the integration of dogs into 教育al settings. 超过15年, Kirnan has volunteered in her community with her certified therapy dogs visiting senior assisted living facilities 和 schools.


塔拉·莫泽是佛罗里达州的一名注册临床社会工作者, 麻萨诸塞州, 维吉尼亚州, 伊利诺斯州, 和科罗拉多. 她也是一名注册游戏治疗师-主管, 佛罗里达州的合格临床监督员, 以及认证的动物辅助干预专家. 莫泽拥有德尔塔家庭咨询公司, 有限责任公司, a group mental health practice in Florida where she 和 her teams of humans, 狗, 和 hamsters provide expressive-based therapy for individual 和 family therapeutic needs. They see clients of all ages, including 孩子们 as young as 2 years old. Moser is also the founder 和 lead counselor for a non-profit that hosts week-long day camps that combine working with rescue dogs to make them better suited for adoption 和 helping 孩子们 with social 和 情感 needs. 除了, 莫泽已经发表了几篇文章, 在美国各地教授讲习班, 与人合著了一本儿童读物, 曾在几所大学兼职任教, 和 serves on many boards 和 volunteer roles in various non-profits focused on mental health 和 animals.



Contact Us

如果你想谈谈是否动物辅助保健 & 教育专家 program may be a good fit for you, please feel free to reach out.


Dr. Shlomit Flaisher-Grinberg
